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  3. Cost Centers

Cost Centers


  • name string

    The name of the cost center.

  • id uuid

    The unique ID of the cost center.

  • creationDate datetime

    The date and time the cost center was created.

  • description string

    The description of the cost center. This should indicate if it is recording where the picked orders are being used, or the accounting code being charged to.


List Cost Centers /api/cost_centers

Get a list of cost centers from the Power Pick database and return a JSON response. View the guide on adding filters to List API calls.

Body Parameters

  • type string

    Cost center types are set in Power Pick's System Configuration. They can be optional or mandatory, and tracking info can be entered manually or selected from a drop-down list.

  • countOnly boolean

    When "true", will only return a count of the amount of items in the query.

    Default value:


  • limit integer

    A limit on the number of objects to be returned.

    Default value:


  • page integer

    Page numbering is zero-based and uses the value of the "limit" argument. (For example, if limit=20, then page=0 will display the hits from 1 to 20.)

  • orderBy string, array

    Order the response by the selected field. Multiple values can be passed, separated by a comma.

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/cost_centers" \ -X get \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]" -d '{ }'
Example Response
{ "cost_centers": [{ "name": " string ", "id": " uuid ", "creationDate": " datetime ", "description": " string ", }] }] }
Show Cost Center /api/cost_centers/[id]

Get a single cost center from the PPG database and return a JSON response.

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/cost_centers/[id]" \ -X get \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]"
Example Response
{ "cost_center": { "name": " string " , "id": uuid , "creationDate": datetime , "description": " string " , } }