1. Resource Central
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  3. Order Lines

Order Lines

Individual lines of an order, with details such as the material and quantity to be processed.


  • id uuid

    Unique identifier for the object.

  • costCenterName string LIMIT: 50

    The cost center this order line was processed at.

  • directionType integer

    The type of order.

    Possible values:

    1 = Put
    2 = Pick
    3 = Return
    4 = Transport
    5 = Count
    7 = Production

    Default value: 2

  • expiryDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material expiry.

  • hasStock boolean

    If there is enough stock to fulfill the order line.

    Possible values:

    0 = False
    1 = True

  • hostIdentification string LIMIT: 50

    A unique value at the order line level that can be carried through from ERP to PPG and back to ERP.

  • incompleteAllocations integer

    If there are any failed allocations.

  • Info1 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info2 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info3 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info4 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info5 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • lot string LIMIT: 50

    Lot number used by a material property for tracking materials.

  • materialId uuid

    The unique ID of the material on the order line.

  • materialName string LIMIT: 50

    The name of the material on the order line.

  • modifiedDate datetime

    The date/time this order line was last modified. This will either be the creation date if it is still queued, or the processed date.

  • number integer

    The unique sequence number of the order line. If not provided, the system automatically generates a unique number for the order line.

  • orderId uuid

    The unique ID of the order that the order line belongs to.

  • owner string LIMIT: 50

    Used in a transfer order. The owner will be replaced by the given recipient, which will be assigned as the new owner of the material during the put.

  • productionDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material production date.

  • progressType integer

    Status of the individual line.

    Possible values:

    0 = Complete
    1 = Not Started
    2 = In Progress

  • putBinName string LIMIT: 50

    Designated bin especially for transfer orders.

  • putDate dateTime

    Used by return orders to specify the original put date of the material. If this value is not provided by host, the current date will be used.

  • putHeight integer

    Designated height especially for transfer orders.

  • putLocation string LIMIT: 128

    Designated location especially for transfer orders.

  • qualification string LIMIT: 50

    A specified attribute of the material on the order line.

  • quantity float

    The quantity on the original order line.

  • quantityConfirmed float

    Actual quantity of units processed, confirmed by the user. Only shows if the order line has been processed.

  • quantityDeviated float

    The difference between the quantity of units requested and units actually processed, recorded by the user. Only shows if the order line has been processed.

  • quantityRequested float

    Original quantity requested for the order line. Only shows if the order line has been processed.

  • releaseDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material release date.

  • serialNumber string LIMIT: 50

    Unique serial number, recorded at the item level when a material is added or retrieved.

  • status string

    Queued is imported but not fully picked, and processed is fully picked.

    Possible values:


  • storageUnits array

    Storage unit(s) where the order line is being processed.

  • [dynamicField] string LIMIT: 1999

    Any of the dynamic order fields from Power Pick. Requires ItemPath's Custom Fields app.


List Order Lines /api/order_lines

Get a list of order lines from the PPG database. View the guide on adding filters to List API calls.

Body Parameters

  • costCenterName string

    The cost center this order line was processed at.

  • directionType integer

    The type of order.

    Possible values:

    1 = Put
    2 = Pick
    3 = Return
    4 = Transport
    5 = Count
    7 = Production

  • expiryDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material expiry. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • hasStock boolean

    If there is enough stock to fulfill the order line.

    Possible values:

    0 = False
    1 = True

  • hostIdentification string

    The identification sent from host system, specially by SAP. Will be written to history table to report it back to the host.

  • incompleteAllocations integer

    If there are any failed allocations.

  • Info1 string

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info2 string

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info3 string

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info4 string

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info5 string

    A generic field for custom use.

  • lot string

    Lot number used by a material property for tracking materials.

  • materialId uuid

    The unique ID of the material 0n the order line.

  • materialName string

    The name of the material on the order line.

  • modifiedDate datetime

    The date/time this order line was last modified. This will either be the creation date if it is still queued, or the processed date.

  • number integer

    The unique sequence number of the order line. If not provided, the system automatically generates a unique number for the order line.

  • orderId uuid

    The unique ID of the order that the order line belongs to.

  • owner string

    Used in a transfer order. The owner will be replaced by the given recipient, which will be assigned as the new owner of the material during the put.

  • pickBinName string

    Designated bin especially for transfer orders.

  • pickLocation string

    Designated location especially for transfer orders.

  • productionDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material production date. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • progressType integer

    Status of the individual line.

    Possible values:

    0 = Complete
    1 = Not Started
    2 = In Progress

  • putBinName string

    Designated bin especially for transfer orders.

  • putDate dateTime

    Used by return orders to specify the original put date of the material. If this value is not provided by host, the current date will be used. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • putHeight integer

    Designated height especially for transfer orders.

  • putLocation string

    Designated location especially for transfer orders.

  • qualification string

    Used by a material property for tracking materials.

  • quantity integer

    Filter by a certain quantity.

  • quantityConfirmed integer

    Actual quantity of units processed, confirmed by the user. Only shows if the order line has been processed.

  • quantityDeviated integer

    The difference between the quantity of units requested and units actually processed, recorded by the user. Only shows if the order line has been processed.

  • quantityRequested integer

    Original quantity requested for the order line. Only shows if the order line has been processed.

  • releaseDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material release date. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • serialNumber string

    Unique serial number, recorded at the item level when a material is added or retrieved.

  • status string

    Queued is imported but not fully picked, and processed is fully picked.

    Possible values:


  • [dynamicField]

    Any dynamic fields that have been set up can be used as a filter. Requires ItemPath's Custom Fields app.

  • countOnly boolean

    When "true", will only return a count of the amount of items in the query.

    Default value:


  • limit integer

    A limit on the number of objects to be returned.

    Default value:


  • page integer

    Page numbering is zero-based and uses the value of the "limit" argument. (For example, if limit=20, then page=0 will display the hits from 1 to 20.)

  • modifiedDate datetime

    The date/time this order was last modified. This will either be the creation date if it is still queued, or the processed date.

Request with curl
-d 'curl -L 
-X GET '[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/order_lines?limit=4&status=queued&type=put' 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]''
Example Response
    "order_line":  {
            "number": 5,
            "serialNumber": "65",
            "quantity": 1.0,
            "Info5": null,
            "id": "4A0C741B-5E79-4713-BB4B-4F10E9C23B1C",
            "modifiedDate": "2021-11-15T15:49:20.440000",
            "releaseDate": null,
            "Info3": null,
            "lot": null,
            "putLocation": null,
            "quantityRequested": 0.0,
            "status": "queued",
            "orderId": "85A55CF6-BE05-48AF-B0D7-D71212C3ACCA",
            "hasStock": 1,
            "expiryDate": null,
            "directionType": 1,
            "putDate": null,
            "materialName": "S103",
            "progressType": 2,
            "costCenterName": null,
            "Info1": "TEST",
            "putHeight": null,
            "productionDate": null,
            "Info2": null,
            "ORDELINEISSUETO": null,
            "storageUnits": [
                    "id": "CA1E5648-FA38-416F-9604-CF33A6763496",
                    "id": "18E22E33-11CA-4712-AECF-7A29123C88A5",
                    "name": "VLM-01"
            "quantityDeviated": 1.0,
            "quantityConfirmed": 0.0,
            "incompleteAllocations": 0,
            "materialId": "8E7EC42A-F2B2-4B64-BF71-750F006DEF8D",
            "qualification": null,
            "ORDERLINEINFO6": null,
            "ORDERLINENOTE": null,
            "Info4": null,
            "hostIdentification": null,
            "owner": "sys",
            "putBinName": null,
            "pickBinName": null,
            "pickLocation": null
Create Order Line /api/order_lines

Create an order line, to be imported by Power Pick. Requires passing the ID of the order the new line is being added to. If location details are passed in at both the order and line level, then the line location details will be used.

Body Parameters

  • orderId uuid

    The ID of the order this order line belongs to.

  • materialId uuid

    The unique ID of the item(s).
    Note: A materialId OR a materialName OR a materialCode is required, but only one can be passed.

  • materialName string LIMIT: 50

    The material name of the item(s).
    Note: A materialId OR a materialName OR a materialCode is required, but only one can be passed.

  • materialCode or code string LIMIT: 50

    An alternate lookup code/part number of the item(s).
    Note: A materialId OR a materialName OR a materialCode is required, but only one can be passed.

  • quantity integer

    The quantity to be processed on the order line. This is not required for Count orders.

  • number integer

    The unique sequence number of the order line. Will be automatically generated if not provided. Previously was as "name".

    Default value:

    1 (or next consecutive number)

  • carriers array

    A list of carriers that this order line can be picked or put from. Either an ID or name is required.

    Possible values:

    Example: [{"id": "66AFE69B-695E-469F-9E73-C416A12B727E"}, {"name": "01"}]

  • costCenterName string LIMIT: 50

    The cost center this order line was processed at.

  • costCenterId uuid

    The id of the cost center this order was processed at.

  • expiryDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material expiry.

  • hostIdentification string LIMIT: 50

    A unique value at the order line level that can be carried through from ERP to PPG and back to ERP.

  • Info1 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info2 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info3 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info4 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info5 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • locations array

    A list of locations that this order line can be picked or put from. Either an ID or name is required.

    Possible values:

    Example: [{"id": "8B3E44C1-EA03-4F2D-A514-EF5B7AE2BF89"}, {"name": "VLM 1/01/01"}]

  • lot string LIMIT: 50

    Lot number used by a material property for tracking materials.

  • productionDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material production date.

  • qualification string LIMIT: 50

    A specified attribute of the material on the order line.

  • releaseDate dateTime

    Used by a material property to track material release date.

  • serialNumber string LIMIT: 50

    The unique serial number at the unit level of the material on the order line.

  • shelves array

    A list of shelves that this order line can be picked or put from. Either an ID or name is required.

    Possible values:

    Example: [{"id": "7142BF15-38BD-4971-BCB2-D890DDA9CC32"}, {"name": "01/01"}]

  • storageUnits array

    A list of storage units that this order line can be picked or put from. Either an ID or name is required.

    Possible values:

    Example: [{"id": "3276A9F6-7CE5-4924-A02B-FD8304D7C3A1"},{"id": "18E22E33-11CA-4712-AECF-7A29123C88A5"}, {"name": "VLM 1"}]

  • zones array

    A list of zones that this order line can be picked or put from. Either an ID or name is required.

    Possible values:

    Example: [{"id": "9B937196-FBDC-4462-9D15-E60A7EEB5FA7"}, {"name": "Zone 1"}]

  • [DynamicField] LIMIT: 1999

    Any field set up in Power Pick.

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/order_lines" \ -X post \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]" \
-d '{
    "orderId": "8D768C21-F0DB-49A2-B048-B75BDA00897C",
    "materialId": "C6607DB2-CE96-4888-82A5-71E36EBF2785",
    "quantity": 1,
    "storageUnits": [{"id": "66AFE69B-695E-469F-9E73-C416A12B727E"}],
Example Response
    "order_line": {
        "expiryDate": null,
        "lot": null,
        "directionType": 1,
        "putBinName": null,
        "putLocation": null,
        "storageUnits": [{"id": "18E22E33-11CA-4712-AECF-7A29123C88A5"}, {"id":"4E650810-D8E2-444B-813D-BA0254A37A6C"}, {"id": "CA1E5648-FA38-416F-9604-CF33A6763496"}],
        "putDate": null,
        "hasStock": 1,
        "quantity": 1.0,
        "serialNumber": null,
        "number": 5,
        "status": "queued",
        "owner": "sys",
        "quantityConfirmed": 0.0,
        "costCenterName": null,
        "orderId": "8D768C21-F0DB-49A2-B048-B75BDA00897C",
        "progressType": 1,
        "putHeight": null,
        "materialName": "SampleMaterial",
        "qualification": null,
        "pickBinName": null,
        "Info3": null,
        "releaseDate": null,
        "Info2": null,
        "materialId": "C6607DB2-CE96-4888-82A5-71E36EBF2785",
        "incompleteAllocations": 0,
        "pickLocation": null,
        "productionDate": null,
        "Info4": null,
        "modifiedDate": "2022-01-28T23:05:06.500000",
        "id": "EFB5158B-1ECB-4B5B-8EA9-1AF1236D0FC2",
        "quantityRequested": 0.0,
        "Info1": null,
        "quantityDeviated": 1.0,
        "Info5": null,
        "hostIdentification": null,
Show Order Line /api/order_lines/[id]

Get a specific order line from the PPG database and return a JSON response. The order will be pulled from the MasterOrderLine table.

Body Parameters

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/order_lines/[id]" \ -X get \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]"
Example Response
    "order_line": {
        "number": 5,
        "serialNumber": "65",
        "quantity": 1.0,
        "Info5": null,
        "id": "4A0C741B-5E79-4713-BB4B-4F10E9C23B1C",
        "modifiedDate": "2021-11-15T15:49:20.440000",
        "releaseDate": null,
        "Info3": null,
        "lot": null,
        "putLocation": null,
        "quantityRequested": 0.0,
        "status": "queued",
        "orderId": "85A55CF6-BE05-48AF-B0D7-D71212C3ACCA",
        "hasStock": 1,
        "expiryDate": null,
        "directionType": 1,
        "putDate": null,
        "materialName": "S103",
        "progressType": 2,
        "costCenterName": null,
        "Info1": "TEST",
        "putHeight": null,
        "productionDate": null,
        "Info2": null,
        "ORDELINEISSUETO": null,
        "storageUnits": [
                "id": "CA1E5648-FA38-416F-9604-CF33A6763496",
                "name": "VLM-01"
        "quantityDeviated": 1.0,
        "quantityConfirmed": 0.0,
        "incompleteAllocations": 0,
        "materialId": "8E7EC42A-F2B2-4B64-BF71-750F006DEF8D",
        "qualification": null,
        "ORDERLINEINFO6": null,
        "ORDERLINENOTE": null,
        "Info4": null,
        "hostIdentification": null,
        "owner": "sys",
        "putBinName": null,
        "pickBinName": null,
        "pickLocation": null
Update Order Line /api/order_lines/[id]

Update an order line that has not yet been allocated.

Body Parameters

  • hostIdentification string LIMIT: 50

    A unique value at the order line level that can be carried through from ERP to PPG and back to ERP.

  • costCenterName string LIMIT: 50

    The cost center this order line was processed at.

  • Info1 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info2 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info3 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info4 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • Info5 string LIMIT: 80

    A generic field for custom use.

  • lot string LIMIT: 50

    Lot number used by a material property for tracking materials.

  • name integer

    (The "number" field.) The unique sequence number of the order line. Will be automatically generated if not provided.

  • owner string LIMIT: 50

    Used in a transfer order. The owner will be replaced by the given recipient, which will be assigned as the new owner of the material during the put.

  • qualification string LIMIT: 50

    A specified attribute of the material on the order line.

  • quantityTransit integer

    (The "quantity" field.) The quantity to be processed on the order line. This is not required for Count orders.

  • serialNumber string LIMIT: 50

    The unique serial number at the unit level of the material on the order line.

  • [DynamicField] LIMIT: 1999

    Any field set up in Power Pick.

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/order_lines/[id]" \ -X put \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]"
-d '{
    "quantityTransit": 5
Example Response
    "order_line": {
        "expiryDate": null,
        "lot": null,
        "directionType": 1,
        "putBinName": null,
        "putLocation": null,
        "storageUnits": [{"id": "18E22E33-11CA-4712-AECF-7A29123C88A5"}, {"id":"4E650810-D8E2-444B-813D-BA0254A37A6C"}, {"id": "CA1E5648-FA38-416F-9604-CF33A6763496"}],
        "putDate": null,
        "hasStock": 1,
        "quantity": 5.0,
        "serialNumber": null,
        "number": 5,
        "status": "queued",
        "owner": "sys",
        "quantityConfirmed": 0.0,
        "costCenterName": null,
        "orderId": "8D768C21-F0DB-49A2-B048-B75BDA00897C",
        "progressType": 1,
        "putHeight": null,
        "materialName": "SampleMaterial",
        "qualification": null,
        "pickBinName": null,
        "Info3": null,
        "releaseDate": null,
        "Info2": null,
        "materialId": "C6607DB2-CE96-4888-82A5-71E36EBF2785",
        "incompleteAllocations": 0,
        "pickLocation": null,
        "productionDate": null,
        "Info4": null,
        "modifiedDate": "2022-01-28T23:05:06.500000",
        "id": "EFB5158B-1ECB-4B5B-8EA9-1AF1236D0FC2",
        "quantityRequested": 0.0,
        "Info1": null,
        "quantityDeviated": 5.0,
        "Info5": null,
        "hostIdentification": null,
Delete Order Line /api/order_lines/[id]/delete

Delete an order line.

Body Parameters

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/order_lines/[id]/delete" \ -X delete \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]"
Example Response
{"deleted": "true"}