1. Resource Central
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  3. Transactions


The data from /api/transactions is coming from the History table in MSSQL, and is available in the history list in Power Pick.

This data is Power Pick's internal record of transactions, which you can view in the History List (in Power Pick). This generates records of every Pick, Put, Count and other types of transactions, broken down by order, order line, lot, serial, and other breakdowns. It's a raw listing of all that's happening at the storage level.


  • id uuid

    A unique ID for this transaction.

  • batchName string

    Name of the batch this order is a part of, if any.

  • binName string

    The bin where this transaction occurred. Bins are usually named by size (08×04 or Medium) or by the materials they store.

  • carrierName string

    The carrier where this transaction occurred.

  • creationDate datetime

    Date and time the transaction record was created.

  • directionType integer

    The type of order.

    Possible values:

    1 = Put
    2 = Pick
    3 = Return
    4 = Transport
    5 = Count
    7 = Production

  • expiryDate datetime

    Used by a material property to track material expiry.

  • exportStateType integer

    Used by external systems (including Data Push) to flag whether the transaction record has been exported.

    Possible values:

    0 = NotSet
    1 = Cannot yet be exported
    2 = Ready to export
    3 = Currently exporting or export canceled
    4 = Successfully exported
    5 = Export failed
    6 = Not to be exported

  • handlingUnit string

    The transport tote/container/cart used when processing the order or batch. Deprecated.

  • locationName string

    The location where this transaction occurred.

  • lot string

    The lot number of this transaction, if applicable.

  • materialInfo1 string

    Info 1 field for the material on the order line.

  • materialName string

    Usually the name of the material, but can be a material code, kit, or handling unit name.

  • motiveType integer

    Reason order was not fully completed.

    Possible values:

    0 = NotSet
    1 = StockUnavailable
    2 = Shortage
    3 = SpaceUnavailable
    4 = SpaceFull
    5 = Deleted
    6 = Canceled
    7 = RoundUpOverstock
    8 = ResolveMissingQty
    9 = Trim
    10 = CancelError

  • number integer

    The order line number.

  • orderId uuid

    The ID of the order this transaction belongs to.

  • orderLineId uuid

    The ID of the order line this transaction belongs to.

  • orderLineInfo1 string

    Info 1 field for the order line.

  • orderLineInfo2 string

    Info 2 field for the order line.

  • orderName string

    The name of the order this transaction belongs to.

  • productionDate datetime

    Used by a material property to track material production date.

  • qualification integer

    Used by a material property for tracking materials.

  • quantityConfirmed float

    Actual quantity of units processed, confirmed by the user.

  • quantityDeviated float

    The difference between the quantity of units requested and units actually processed, recorded by the user.

  • quantityRequested float

    Original quantity requested for the order.

  • quantityTotal float

    The total quantity that was in stock when this transaction was completed.

  • rank integer

    Rank number of the order inside a batch.

  • reasonCode integer

    Code to explain the reason for the motive type of the record.

  • releaseDate datetime

    Used by a material property to track material release date.

  • serialNumber integer

    The serial number of this transaction, if applicable.

  • shelfName string

    The shelf where this transaction occurred.

  • stationName string

    Name of the station the transaction was assigned to.

  • storageUnitName string

    Name of the storage unit.

  • taskNumber integer

    The task number of this transaction, if applicable.

  • type integer

    Type of transaction.

    Possible values:

    0 = NotSet
    1 = ManualPut
    2 = ManualPick
    3 = OrderPut
    4 = OrderPick
    5 = Transfer
    6 = OrderCount
    7 = ContextCount
    8 = MaterialRename
    9 = ManualCorrection
    10 = ContextCorrection
    11 = CancelRequest
    12 = Purge
    13 = Production
    15 = KitRename

  • uploadDate datetime

    Date record was uploaded (not created) from external source.

  • userName string

    The user who created this transaction.

  • warehouseName string

    The warehouse where this transaction occurred.

  • xStep integer

    Bin position on the tray on the x-axis.

  • yStep integer

    Bin position on the tray on the y-axis.

  • zoneName strong

    The zone where this transaction occurred.

  • [dynamicField] string

    Any of the dynamic order fields from Power Pick. Requires ItemPath's Custom Fields app.


List Transactions /api/transactions

Get a list of transactions processed in Power Pick. View the guide on adding filters to List API calls.

Body Parameters

  • batchName string

    Name of the batch this order is a part of, if any.

  • binName string

    The bin where this transaction occurred. Bins are usually named by size (08×04 or Medium) or by the materials they store.

  • carrierName string

    The carrier where this transaction occurred.

  • creationDate datetime

    Only return transactions that were created in a certain range. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • expiryDate datetime

    Only return transactions that have a expiry date in a certain range. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • exportStateType integer

    Used by external systems (including Data Push) to flag whether the transaction record has been exported.

    Possible values:

    0 = NotSet
    1 = Cannot yet be exported
    2 = Ready to export
    3 = Currently exporting or export canceled
    4 = Successfully exported
    5 = Export failed
    6 = Not to be exported

  • handlingUnit string

    The transport tote/container/cart used when processing the order or batch. Deprecated.

  • locationName string

    The location where this transaction occurred.

  • lot string

    The lot number of this transaction, if applicable.

  • materialInfo1 string

    Info 1 field for the material on the order line.

  • materialName string

    Usually the name of the material, but can be a material code, kit, or handling unit name.

  • motiveType integer

    Reason order was not fully completed.

    Possible values:

    0 = NotSet
    1 = StockUnavailable
    2 = Shortage
    3 = SpaceUnavailable
    4 = SpaceFull
    5 = Deleted
    6 = Canceled
    7 = RoundUpOverstock
    8 = ResolveMissingQty
    9 = Trim
    10 = CancelError

  • number integer

    The order line number.

  • orderId uuid

    The ID of the order this transaction belongs to.

  • orderLineId uuid

    The ID of the order line this transaction belongs to.

  • orderLineInfo1 string

    Info 1 field for the order line.

  • orderLineInfo2 string

    Info 2 field for the order line.

  • orderName string

    The name of the order this transaction belongs to.

  • productionDate datetime

    Only return transactions that have a production date in a certain range. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • qualification string

    Used by a material property for tracking materials.

  • quantityConfirmed float

    Actual quantity of units processed, confirmed by the user.

  • quantityDeviated float

    The difference between the quantity of units requested and units actually processed, recorded by the user.

  • quantityRequested float

    Original quantity requested for the order.

  • quantityTotal float

    The total quantity that was in stock when this transaction was completed.

  • rank integer

    Rank number of the order inside a batch.

  • reasonCode integer

    Code to explain the reason for the motive type of the record.

  • releaseDate datetime

    Only return transactions that have a release date in a certain range. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • serialNumber integer

    The serial number of this transaction, if applicable.

  • shelfName string

    The shelf where this transaction occurred.

  • stationName string

    Name of the station the transaction was assigned to.

  • storageUnitName string

    Name of the storage unit.

  • taskNumber integer

    The task number of this transaction, if applicable.

  • type integer

    Type of transaction.

    Possible values:

    0 = NotSet
    1 = ManualPut
    2 = ManualPick
    3 = OrderPut
    4 = OrderPick
    5 = Transfer
    6 = OrderCount
    7 = ContextCount
    8 = MaterialRename
    9 = ManualCorrection
    10 = ContextCorrection
    11 = CancelRequest
    12 = Purge
    13 = Production
    15 = KitRename

  • uploadDate datetime

    Only return transactions that have an upload date in a certain range. Like all date arguments, a [gt], [lt], [lte], for [gte] can be prefixed.

  • userName string

    The user who created this transaction.

  • warehouseName string

    The warehouse where this transaction occurred.

  • xStep integer

    Bin position on the tray on the x-axis.

  • yStep integer

    Bin position on the tray on the y-axis.

  • zoneName string

    The zone where this transaction occurred.

  • [dynamicField] string

    Any dynamic fields that have been set up can be used as a filter. Requires ItemPath's Custom Fields app.

  • countOnly boolean

    When "true", will only return a count of the amount of items in the query.

    Default value:


  • limit integer

    A limit on the number of objects to be returned.

    Default value:


  • page integer

    Page numbering is zero-based and uses the value of the "limit" argument. (For example, if limit=20, then page=0 will display the hits from 1 to 20.)

  • orderBy string, array

    Order the response by the selected field. Multiple values can be passed, separated by a comma.

Request with curl
-d 'curl -L 
-X GET '[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/transactions?limit=2&exportStateType=2' 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]''
Example Response
    "transactions": [
            "MATERIALINFO6": null,
            "ORDELINEISSUETO": null,
            "ORDERFACILITY": null,
            "ORDERINFO6": null,
            "ORDERISSUETO": null,
            "ORDERLINEINFO6": null,
            "ORDERLINENOTE": null,
            "ORDERNOTE": null,
            "accessPointId": "40F2C3CA-C38D-43C9-A6BD-3816D78F3115",
            "batchName": "Test Pick Order 83",
            "binName": "BIN-08x08x04",
            "carrierName": "001",
            "creationDate": "2022-05-09T20:08:49.960000",
            "directionType": 2,
            "expiryDate": null,
            "exportStateType": 2,
            "handlingUnit": null,
            "id": "65643F57-FB2A-49D8-A022-94D60430137B",
            "locationName": "VLM-01-001/01-08/02",
            "lot": null,
            "materialInfo1": null,
            "materialName": "S103",
            "motiveType": 0,
            "number": 1,
            "orderId": "F6426388-E349-4B8E-8EA2-642952622E86",
            "orderLineId": "497216B0-0EC6-49A9-9146-CC68A5E46F30",
            "orderLineInfo1": "TEST",
            "orderLineInfo2": null,
            "orderName": "Test Pick Order 83",
            "productionDate": null,
            "qualification": null,
            "quantityConfirmed": 1.0,
            "quantityDeviated": 0.0,
            "quantityRequested": 1.0,
            "quantityTotal": 46.0,
            "rank": null,
            "reasonCode": null,
            "releaseDate": null,
            "serialNumber": "1",
            "shelfName": "01",
            "stationName": null,
            "storageUnitName": "VLM-01",
            "taskNumber": 6465,
            "type": 4,
            "uploadDate": null,
            "userName": "WC1",
            "warehouseName": "Warehouse",
            "xStep": 8,
            "yStep": 2,
            "zoneName": null
            "MATERIALINFO6": null,
            "ORDELINEISSUETO": null,
            "ORDERFACILITY": null,
            "ORDERINFO6": null,
            "ORDERISSUETO": null,
            "ORDERLINEINFO6": null,
            "ORDERLINENOTE": null,
            "ORDERNOTE": null,
            "accessPointId": "40F2C3CA-C38D-43C9-A6BD-3816D78F3115",
            "batchName": "serial put 01-10",
            "binName": "BIN-08x08x04",
            "carrierName": "002",
            "creationDate": "2022-05-06T18:36:29.590000",
            "directionType": 1,
            "expiryDate": null,
            "exportStateType": 2,
            "handlingUnit": null,
            "id": "FCC3FA4F-43FB-48E5-AD50-8448F0092B98",
            "locationName": "VLM-01-002/01-06/03",
            "lot": null,
            "materialInfo1": null,
            "materialName": "S103",
            "motiveType": 0,
            "number": 2,
            "orderId": "E698E5BD-EEB7-4CE4-88AF-4239B424E4C7",
            "orderLineId": "37ECA01B-E4EB-45C0-AF9B-F62A17F7DC59",
            "orderLineInfo1": "TEST",
            "orderLineInfo2": null,
            "orderName": "serial put 01-10",
            "productionDate": null,
            "qualification": null,
            "quantityConfirmed": 1.0,
            "quantityDeviated": 0.0,
            "quantityRequested": 1.0,
            "quantityTotal": 47.0,
            "rank": null,
            "reasonCode": null,
            "releaseDate": null,
            "serialNumber": "15",
            "shelfName": "01",
            "stationName": null,
            "storageUnitName": "VLM-01",
            "taskNumber": 6370,
            "type": 3,
            "uploadDate": null,
            "userName": "WC1",
            "warehouseName": "Warehouse",
            "xStep": 6,
            "yStep": 3,
            "zoneName": null
Show Transaction /api/transactions/[id]

Get a specific transaction from the Power Pick History table and return a JSON response.

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/transactions/[id]" \ -X get \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]"
Example Response
    "transactions": [
            "MATERIALINFO6": null,
            "ORDELINEISSUETO": null,
            "ORDERFACILITY": null,
            "ORDERINFO6": null,
            "ORDERISSUETO": null,
            "ORDERLINEINFO6": null,
            "ORDERLINENOTE": null,
            "ORDERNOTE": null,
            "accessPointId": "40F2C3CA-C38D-43C9-A6BD-3816D78F3115",
            "batchName": "serial put 01-10",
            "binName": "BIN-08x08x04",
            "carrierName": "002",
            "creationDate": "2022-05-06T18:36:29.590000",
            "directionType": 1,
            "expiryDate": null,
            "exportStateType": 2,
            "handlingUnit": null,
            "id": "FCC3FA4F-43FB-48E5-AD50-8448F0092B98",
            "locationName": "VLM-01-002/01-06/03",
            "lot": null,
            "materialInfo1": null,
            "materialName": "S103",
            "motiveType": 0,
            "number": 2,
            "orderId": "E698E5BD-EEB7-4CE4-88AF-4239B424E4C7",
            "orderLineId": "37ECA01B-E4EB-45C0-AF9B-F62A17F7DC59",
            "orderLineInfo1": "TEST",
            "orderLineInfo2": null,
            "orderName": "serial put 01-10",
            "productionDate": null,
            "qualification": null,
            "quantityConfirmed": 1.0,
            "quantityDeviated": 0.0,
            "quantityRequested": 1.0,
            "quantityTotal": 47.0,
            "rank": null,
            "reasonCode": null,
            "releaseDate": null,
            "serialNumber": "15",
            "shelfName": "01",
            "stationName": null,
            "storageUnitName": "VLM-01",
            "taskNumber": 6370,
            "type": 3,
            "uploadDate": null,
            "userName": "WC1",
            "warehouseName": "Warehouse",
            "xStep": 6,
            "yStep": 3,
            "zoneName": null
Update Transaction /api/transactions/[id]

This allows the transaction record to be modified (usually to update the exportStateType or other minor modifications).

Body Parameters

  • exportStateType integer

    Used by external systems (including Data Push) to flag whether the transaction record has been exported.

    Possible values:

    0 = NotSet
    1 = Cannot yet be exported
    2 = Ready to export
    3 = Currently exporting or export canceled
    4 = Successfully exported
    5 = Export failed
    6 = Not to be exported

Request with curl
curl "http://[subdomain.itempath.com or IP]/api/transactions/[id]" \ -X put \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]"
-d '{"exportStateType": "4"}'
Example Response
    "transaction": {
        "number": 1,
        "warehouseName": "Warehouse",
        "serialNumber": null,
        "id": "EB7A9067-DBC7-4641-8D30-A6F9AC85BFE8",
        "binName": "BIN-08x08x04",
        "carrierName": "001",
        "reasonCode": null,
        "yStep": 1,
        "handlingUnit": null,
        "releaseDate": null,
        "exportStateType": 4,
        "ORDERISSUETO": null,
        "lot": null,
        "ORDERNOTE": null,
        "ORDERFACILITY": null,
        "quantityRequested": 2.0,
        "orderId": "588681F8-0453-4E10-80EF-E69EDC72423A",
        "uploadDate": null,
        "userName": "Admin",
        "taskNumber": 6212,
        "expiryDate": null,
        "storageUnitName": "VLM-01",
        "motiveType": 0,
        "orderLineId": "F67A9389-C109-4BCC-BB6B-894CBCBC28FA",
        "materialName": "1101",
        "creationDate": "2021-06-28T23:24:58.833000",
        "xStep": 1,
        "ORDERINFO6": null,
        "productionDate": null,
        "batchName": "ManualPick-CR-TP-2-01",
        "orderName": "ManualPick-CR-TP-2-01",
        "ORDELINEISSUETO": null,
        "shelfName": "01",
        "type": 2,
        "quantityDeviated": 0.0,
        "quantityConfirmed": 2.0,
        "qualification": null,
        "locationName": "VLM-01-001/01-01/01",
        "ORDERLINEINFO6": null,
        "ORDERLINENOTE": null