
Details about Power Pick zones.


  • name string LIMIT: 50

    Name of the zone.

  • id uuid

    Unique identifier for the zone.

  • abcClass integer

    Ranking of value of inventory items in the zone based on importance. If none is applied, default is 0.

  • color integer

    Color assigned to the zone, in decimal format, e.g. 16777215 for white. Used in the graphical view in location management.

  • pickType integer

    Zone picking strategy. Default is 1, regardless of zone type.

    Possible values:

    1 = Turn Over (old first)
    2 = Pick by Location Name
    3 = Pick to Clear (empty bins)

  • putType integer

    Zone putting strategy. Default is 1, regardless of zone type.

    Possible values:

    1 = Put by Location Name
    2 = Put to Fill (a partially full bin)

  • type integer

    Order designation for zone rules. Default is 1.

    Possible values:

    1 = Picking
    2 = Putting

  • warehouseId uuid

    The ID to the warehouse this zone belongs to.


List Zones /api/zones

Get a list of zones from the PPG database. View the guide on adding filters to List API calls.

Body Parameters

  • limit integer

    A limit on the number of objects to be returned.

    Default value:


  • page integer

    Page numbering is zero-based and uses the value of the "limit" argument. (For example, if limit=20, then page=0 will display the hits from 1 to 20.)

  • countOnly boolean

    When "true", will only return a count of the amount of items in the query.

    Default value:


  • orderBy string, array

    Order the response by the selected field. Multiple values can be passed, separated by a comma.

Request with curl
curl "http://[ or IP]/api/zones" \ -X get \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]" -d '{ }'
Example Response
{ "zones": [{ "name": " string ", "id": " uuid ", "abcClass": " integer ", "color": " integer ", "pickType": " integer ", "putType": " integer ", "type": " integer ", "warehouseId": " uuid ", }] }] }
Show Zone /api/zones/[id]

Get a specific zones from the PPG database and return a JSON response. The zone will be pulled from the Zone table.

Body Parameters

Request with curl
curl "http://[ or IP]/api/zones/[id]" \ -X get \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer [Your JWT Access Token]"
Example Response
{ "zone": { "name": " string " , "id": uuid , "abcClass": integer , "color": integer , "pickType": integer , "putType": integer , "type": integer , "warehouseId": uuid , } }