Storage Unit

Report Columns

  • Access Points

    Name of an opening of a storage unit where a user can get access.

  • Address 1 (from Warehouse table)

    Primary address of the warehouse.

  • Address 2 (from Warehouse table)

    Secondary address of the warehouse.

  • Address 3 (from Warehouse table)

    Third address of the warehouse.

  • Address 4 (from Warehouse table)

    Fourth address of the warehouse.

  • Address 5 (from Warehouse table)

    Fifth address of the warehouse.

  • Code (from Warehouse table)

    Code assigned to the warehouse.

  • Description

    Description of the storage unit.

  • Description (from Warehouse table)

    Description of the warehouse.

  • Gross Depth

    The outer depth of the storage unit, used for static racks. The preset unit of measurement is millimeters.

  • Gross Width

    The outer width of the storage unit, used for static racks. The preset unit of measurement is millimeters.

  • Max Weight

    Permitted weight limit of the storage unit, if working with weight control. The preset unit of measurement is grams.

  • Name

    Name of the storage unit.

  • Name (from Warehouse table)

    Name of the warehouse.

  • Net Depth

    The usable depth of the storage unit. The preset unit of measurement is millimeters.

  • Net Width

    The usable width of the storage unit. The preset unit of measurement is millimeters.

  • Steps Depth

    The number of position lights/picklights that are arranged across the depth for this type of storage unit.

  • Steps Width

    The number of position lights/picklights that are arranged across the width for this type of storage unit.

  • Type

    Storage unit type.


    1 = Static Rack
    2 = Ground Storage
    3 = Vertical Carousel
    4 = Horizontal Carousel
    5 = Shuttle (VLM)
    6 = Single File (Material Flight)
    7 = Material Handling Unit
    8 = Production
    9 = Vertical Buffer