
Report Columns

  • Allocated Quantity

    Quantity of materials in the order that have been allocated.

  • Creation Date

    Date and time the order was created.

  • Deadline

    Date by which the order must be completed.

  • Direction Type

    The type of order.


    1 = Put
    2 = Pick
    3 = Return
    4 = Transport
    5 = Count
    7 = Production

  • Handling Unit

    The transport tote/container/cart used when processing the order or batch.

  • Has Stock

    If there is enough stock to fulfill the order.


    0 = False
    1 = True

  • Info1

    Information field 1 of the order.

  • Info2

    Information field 2 of the order.

  • Info3

    Information field 3 of the order.

  • Info4

    Information field 4 of the order.

  • Info5

    Information field 5 of the order.

  • Name

    Name of the order.

  • Owner

    Used in a transfer order. The owner will be replaced by the given recipient, which will be assigned as the new owner of the material during the put.

  • Priority

    Order priority level. Default is 2.


    1 = Low
    2 = Medium
    3 = High
    4 = Hot

  • Quantity

    Quantity of materials for the order.

  • Recipient

    Used in a transfer order. The recipient given will be assigned as the new owner of the material during the put.

  • Shortage

    Missing quantity recorded at the confirmation stage of an order.

  • Station

    Name of the client station used for the order.

  • Status Type

    Order status type. Default is 1.


    1 = Untouched
    2 = Ready for Allocation
    10 = Is Allocated
    11 = In Process.

  • Type

    Order creation/origin type. Automatically determined.


    0 = NotSet
    1 = External
    2 = ExtManaged
    3 = Internal
    4 = Manual
    5 = Auto

  • Unit

    The unit is used to create a batch as soon as the order is saved. If the order gets expanded with a different Unit, the already built batches are not affected, but a new batch will be created for the new order lines.

  • Warehouse

    Name of warehouse which owns the imported order. If none is provided, defaults to the warehouse which owns the active station.