2.10.0 - Adding Order Lines with Data Pull

April 4, 2024

Data Pull is now able to make updates to existing orders by finding new order lines:

  • If an order comes in that matches an unprocessed/in-process order in PowerPick, ItemPath will add any new order lines to the existing order.
  • If an order comes in that matches a processed/completed order in PowerPick, ItemPath will create a new order with the same name but only add new/unique order lines.

New Features:

  • Order deletion is now done through web services, rather than manually removing the row from the database. This ensures a history record is created when the order is deleted.


  • Fixes report filters on datetime values converting to the wrong timezone. Also fixes report filters on ID values.
  • Adds default PowerPick version so table columns are always available.



New Features:

  • Adds non-email actions to Workflow logs.


  • Allows bar and line charts to be displayed in reports as well as Dashboard widgets.
  • Fixes log creation date times not converting to the right timezone.




  • Fix dynamic path in Data Push with consolidated transactions.