2.13.0 - Report Grouping & Token-Based Authentication

July 15, 2024

New Features:

  • Grouping and subgrouping within a report is now available. You can select the columns to group by in the "Columns" tab of a report.
    • This adds a new type of report column called "Count". This report column will display how many rows were grouped together.
    • Aggregate functions can be set for report columns. This tells ItemPath what to do with the data of rows that are grouped together. The currently supported aggregate functions are 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'median', 'first', and 'last'.
  • Token-Based Authentication is a newly available authentication method.
    • A "login" or "get token" URL is required when setting up the connection.
    • This authentication method adds the token as a Bearer token in the header.
    • The duration of the token should be set in the connection settings (defaults to 15 minutes).
    • When retrieving token, the connection expects it to have a key of "token", "accessToken", or "access_token" (case does not matter).