2.18.1 - Batch Line Report Theme, Add Multiple Columns to Reports, Data Push Update

February 28, 2025

New Features


  • When workflows create files from a report, the log entry now includes a green arrow that links to the report's Export tab

    Details of a Workflow log, with the new navigational component highlighted.

Order Builder

  • When creating order lines using the Builder tab:
    • You can now assign a Cost Center to an Order Line.
    • You can now search by the Material Name or Info1 fields.
  • The Warehouse Name is now displayed instead of Warehouse ID in the Order Details section.

Data Push

  • Data Push Mappings now support Array and Boolean mapping types. Array mappings do not require a key.
  • The UI of the transaction list under "Awaiting Approval" has been updated to display additional fields in an expandable section:
    • Order Line Number (this links to the Explorer page for the Order Line)
    • Material Name
    • Requested Quantity
    • Deviated Quantity
  • Text mappings in Data Push now include a "Private" checkbox. When selected, this masks the mapped value in the user interface.


  • ItemPath now includes a Batch Line report theme.
  • Reports now support adding multiple columns in a single "Add" action. When selecting columns to add, use checkboxes to select multiple columns. If you select a report theme, all columns from that theme will be added.

  • The Report creation form now dynamically assigns positions to new columns based on their order..

Batch API Endpoint

  • The LIST endpoint for Batches is now filterable by creationDate, deadline, and priority.
  • Batch type 1 is now available for creation, as well as Batch type 2.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where an error occurred when a user attempted to update a batch name to its current name via the API.
  • Resolved an issue that resulted in an error when updating a batch's deadline via the API.
  • Updating an email attachment action in a workflow would fail if the parent action was also being updated. This was resolved by improving the update process to ensure actions are applied correctly.
  • If a workflow generated files, it could not be deleted. This was resolved, and you can now delete workflows that have generated files.
  • Transactions with an export state of 12 did not render in the Awaiting Approval table of Data Push. This occurred due to the filter management logic, which we have corrected.
  • An error occurred when fetching queued orders due to changes in the Work Order Line model. This has been resolved by updating the appropriate queries.
  • An error prevented adding additional grouping properties when importing/exporting report themes. This was resolved by improving associated importing functions and schemas. Import/export functions now work correctly with multiple groups
  • Report themes were displaying incorrectly for some themes. This was updated to correctly display Report Theme names.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error in Order Builder that occurred when loading iFields by adding index checks before loading fields.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved error handling when a user enters an incorrect license for ItemPath.
  • Fixed a cache issue where the warehouse limit cache was being retrieved searching for the default warehouse. This would result in errors when creating orders without passing warehouse information. A new key prefix prevents the error from occurring in the future.