2.9.9 - Data Pull Upgrades

February 6, 2024

Data Pull Confirmations

  • The following mapping types can be added to customize confirmation responses:
  • A confirmation setting for determining the HTTP method has been added, either POST (default) or PATCH.
  • When an "order line" mapping is used, the value will either be a single value (if there is only one order line in the order) or an array of order lines.
  • Grouping - for creating a nested structure
  • Text - specify the key and text value
  • Message - success or reason for failure
  • Status - queued or error
  • Mapping - select a data pull mapping to get the value

Data Pull "Auto-Detect Direction Type" Setting

  • If this setting is on and no direction type is passed when creating an order, the direction type will be determined by whether or not the quantity is positive (put) or negative (pick). If a direction type is passed and the order line contains a negative quantity, the direction type must be a Pick value("pick"/"Pick"/2/"2"). Order lines cannot contain a mix of positive and negative values.
  • This postive/negative quantity logic also applies when creating order lines with the ItemPath API.

Data Pull "Advanced" Mapping

  • There is a new "Advanced" mapping for combining fields into one field.
  • Values entered within quotation marks will be passed verbatim. For example, mapping fields orderName"-"orderLineNumber could output something like Example Order-1.


New Features:

Data Pull for Materials:

  • Validation rules are checked when creating new materials.
  • A "materialFamilyId" or "materialFamily" (name) key can be passed when creating a material.
  • These Material report column types have been added to mappings: Material Property, Material Property ID, Material Codes, Material Family Id, Material Family


New Features:

  • Location details can be set at the order level when creating orders. If location details are passed in at both the order and line level, then the line location details will be used.
  • A default material property when creating new materials can be set globally in Settings.
    • Material Data Pull integrations can also override this global setting at a per-integration level.



  • A timeout has been set for Oath1 API calls. Data Pull headers are removed from logging.


New Features:

  • A Material Code can be passed when creating an order line to set the material of the line (rather than a material name or ID). This should be passed with a key of "code".
    • This Material Code functionality is also available as a mapping in Data Pull.
  • Filters can be added to a Data Pull integration, to only pull records whose keys have a certain value.


New Features:

  • For Data Pull integrations, a setting has been added for choosing the date format of incoming date data, so ItemPath can convert it to the format PowerPick expects.
  • "materialCode" can be passed instead of "code" when creating an order line.


  • A bug introduced in version causing ItemPath to fail to start without a MSSQL connection has been fixed.