2.9.4 - Better API Logs and a New "Images" Endpoint

July 19, 2023

Checking Logs is Easier than Ever

If you've had to check your API logs, you might have had some trouble finding the right error codes you're looking for, or filtering by the right time frame. Or, you may have wished you could save your search settings. We've made some big improvements to the API logs to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

We've added more information to the logs, including the duration of the request and a more readable response. You can now filter your logs by multiple HTTP status codes, so you can see different kinds of errors at once. (This matches what's in the Data Push logs.)

API Logs

Plus, you can save time by using the same search settings again and again, using an API Calls report. For example, you could filter by 400- or 500-series HTTP codes within the last week, and save that report. Then, you could export the report automatically with a Workflow, so you never miss an error message.

API Call Report

Check out everything we've added and improved since We'll keep adding to this list online as we release more patches.

New Features

  • A "Supplements" (also "Images") endpoint has been added to the ItemPath API. These are for adding supplemental images of your materials. Take a look at the endpoint details in the API reference here.
  • In the back-end, we've been implementing a data validation tool called useQuery to clean up our code. You might not notice the difference, aside from getting better help messages if you've entered invalid data somewhere.
  • We're slowly rolling out some permissions for our UI, but it isn't all ready yet. We'll let you know when we've fully launched user permissions!
  • An overhaul to our API logging means there's a lot more information in the logs, including duration and easier-to-read responses. You can also filter by multiple HTTP status codes (e.g. all errors). We also added a friendly warning if you're about to clear your logs.
  • There's a new Report type for "API Calls" reports. This lets you save your search settings and export error messages in files—rather than grabbing them from the API logs—plus use them with Workflows.

Bug Fixes

  • Sped up how long it takes for snapshot data to generate.
  • Caught a few bug reports that were slipping through the cracks of our internal reporting system.
  • Increased running performance by adding more "workers" in the background.
  • Improved handling of updates to Power Pick MSSQL credentials.
  • Adjusting the date range on the API logs wasn't always updating, but we fixed that in our overhaul.
  • In workflow triggers, monthly triggers now accept numbers of the month. Also, brand new triggers show the correct "Next Trigger" time.
  • Added zoneId and isMarkedFull to the API endpoint for locations, which fixes a bug in the Locations section of the Explorer.
  • For users with the PDF export option, we fixed a bug where the PDF wouldn't export properly if the filename was too long.
  • Searching reports when not on the first page now works properly.
  • Added better support for customers using Dynamic Fields.
  • Fixed a few columns in Reports and the Explorer that were missing sorting logic.