2.9.7 - Explore & Edit Transactions

January 12, 2024

Transactions are available to be viewed and edited in the Explorer! Search, filter, or sort the columns to find the transaction you're looking for, then click to display its details.

In the transaction view, the Export State type can be updated from the dropdown pictured below. This is helpful for testing or in the case of an error, since ItemPath's Data Push tool checks for Export State type "2" to find transactions that are ready to export.

Explorer transactions export state

Initial Handling Units

If you're familiar with order processing in PowerPick, you've likely heard of handling units—especially because there are two separate things in PowerPick with the same name. Long story short, it's the name or number of a transport tote/container/cart used when processing the order or batch, but it's also the name of a unit of materials (similar in some ways to a kit). Needless to say, this got a little confusing when making orders with the API, and we deprecated the parameter.

Now, we're introducing a new initialHandlingUnit parameter at the Order level that allows you to set the handling unit value—that is, a tote id or cart number—when creating an order with the ItemPath API. This sets the initial default handling unit for each order line that can be updated as needed during processing, say, if the tote gets full.

New Features:

  • The initialHandlingUnit parameter that has been added to the Create Orders endpoint is also available in Order reports.
  • The IBM DB2 connection type is now available to be used with Data Pull. (For the DB2 connection to work, the Docker file for the API and Polling containers needs to be set to Dockerfile.deb.)
  • The list of transactions in the Explorer now allows a user filter by multiple type values, e.g. Manual Pick (2) and Order Pick (4).


  • Fixed a bug where report data could show datetime values in the wrong time zone.
  • Connections will not show a status until ItemPath has finished loading, to avoid potentially misleading information.


New Features:

  • The build pipeline now also generates a new image with the name ppgsupport/api-deb, which is used for IDM DB2 connections.


New Features:

  • The Status page now shows a list of connection names and the status of each one. If a connection is clicked, the user will be navigated to the connection tab in the Settings page.


  • Fixed a bug with the ItemPath API's logic where material names containing round or square brackets were not being found.
  • There is no longer a 500 error when logging in with an invalid username or email. We've modified the error message to notify users that their username and email are case-sensitive.
  • When the Web Services connection was not successful, the connection history chart on the Status page was hidden, replaced by an error icon. Now, the bar chart remains visible and a smalled "Disconnected" error icon is displayed above the chart.


New Features:

  • You can now click on the ID of a transaction in a Data Push integration (in the Logs and Failed Attempts tabs) to see the details of that specific transaction in the Explorer.
  • If a user does not add a default port to the Web Services URL/IP, the default port of 1353 will be added.
  • When a user navigates to the password reset page, the "Forgot your password?" link has been replaced with a link that navigates back to the login page.


New Features:

  • The Apps list now displays a list of additional apps that are not licensed but are available to purchase.
  • Data Pull has a new setting to choose the "Request" type to either "POST" or "GET" API calls.
  • The Confirmation field for Data Pull integrations now has you choose the connection as the base URL and then enter the path, mirroring how setting up Data Pull and Data Push connections are set up.
  • When selecting columns to add to a Report, the options are now sorted with columns related the report theme first, followed by other categories in alphabetical order.


  • When resetting a password with the emailed link from the "Forgot Password" page, the new password wasn't saving properly. This has been fixed!