2.9.2 - Pushing Big Data with the ItemPath API

March 24, 2023

Having a Motive: Data Push Retries & Filters

Users of the Data Push app can now see more details about transactions that had an export error. When resending these from the Failed Attempts tab of an integration, the status will update as the transaction is re-exported. Refreshing will remove successful transactions from the list.

Data push failed attempts

In the settings of each Data Push integration, users can also filter transactions by Motive Type. This can be used to exclude transactions that are not relevant to the integration, such as deletions or cancellations.

Data push settings filters

As with the History Type filter, you can select multiple values from the dropdown for the motives you wish to include. Leaving the selection blank will include all transactions. (To view a list of all Motive Types in the API reference, click here.)

Data push motive filters 2

Exploring Power Pick Parameters

The Explorer view now includes a "Parameter Value" tab, which shows valies obtained from Power Pick settings. This is useful for seeing what ItemPath reads from Power Pick, for checking Power Pick rules, and for troubleshooting.

Explorer parameter values

New Features

  • A pie chart Dashboard widget with one snapshot using the "group" feature will show different colors for each group/slice of the pie.
  • Reports can now have filters that use the "equals" operator with "None" to filter out null values. Using "None" twice will filter out both null and empty string values.
  • Data Push's performance has been improved by using multiple threads to push data in bulk. Data Push's logging has also been improved by combining the logs into one file and using a backup log file.
  • The "Test" button in Data Push is disabled if there are no history records to push.
  • For Data Push connections test (usually to a /ping endpoint), the self-signed SSL certificate check is overridden. This test also has better error messages.


  • Some users were having errors with Microsoft OS compatibility with ODBC 18 because of a TLS mismatch, so we've downgraded to ODBC 17 for now.
  • Some Data Push transactions were getting stuck at Export State Type 3 because of an error, which has been resolved.
  • Fixed a bug when resetting a password using the password reset link.
  • "Station" was missing from the history table in Data Push but has been added.
  • Fixed a crash caused by a missing port in a Power Pick connection and fixed the SWL port check.
  • Fixed occasional errors when deleting dashboard views and reports.
  • Because there can be multiple stations with Web Services either enabled or disabled, the "Test" button in the Web Services connection settings now checks if any station's Web Services parameter is set to "true".



New Features

  • Added Motive Type filter to Data Push integration filters
  • Increased performance of Data Push by using multiple threads
  • Combined Data Push logs into one log (instead of two, for sent and response)
  • Added backup file for Data Push logging
  • Reworked Data Push failed attempts page
  • Added Parameter Values to the Explorer
  • Overriding self-signed check for Web Services connection test only


  • Added Station column type with History baseTable and added Station Name to parameter values
  • Fixed Dashboard view deletion error
  • Fixed error on password reset
  • Web Services connection checks all station parameters to see if any are installed
  • Fixed limit for GET queries that were using "pageSize" instead of "limit"
  • Limited unnecessary re-rending of proxy setting every time a connection is tested



New Features

  • Added HTTP status code to Data Push logs


  • Set exportStateType to 4 if HTTP status code is any success code in the 200-series, not only 200



New Features

  • Added check for valid URL when testing a connection
  • Added configurable settings to Data Push integrations for timeout, max retries, SSL-verification, max records
  • Data Push records can be retested in bulk by entering multiple IDs separated by commas
  • Data Push logs are now filterable
  • Workflow action can retry Data Pushes using a History report


  • Fixed workflow deletion failing
  • Fixed pickZone and putZone relationships



New Features

  • Add Access Points to API, Reports, and Data Push


New Features

  • Added "warehouseName" to Location Content API calls


  • Fixed failed redirect to login page on first user creation
  • Fixed some Data Push bugs, including an error with the Refresh button in the Failed Attempts page
  • Improved some connection settings storage and deletion


New Features

  • Added defaults and placeholders to Data Push settings UI


  • Re-added orderName to GET /order_lines API call, in the order line's transactions
  • Ensuring http:// exists at start of connection string when testing and generating connection string


New Features

  • Fixed error with workflow & snapshot run times by comparing the trigger time with current UTC time


  • Fixed error with workflow & snapshot run times by comparing the trigger time with current UTC time
  • Fixed List /order_lines API call failing if "status" parameter wasn't passed


New Features

  • Added Permissions View for User Groups


  • Fixed snapshot subgrouping errors
  • Fixed errors when changing user details
  • Fixed custom DateTime field so format is ISO 8601



  • Fix groupby datetime snapshots


New Features

  • Added getCount to all services


  • Passing a storageUnit now works when creating an Order Line with the API, as well as Order


Updated May 9, 2023