2.9.6 - New Dashboard Charts, API Additions

October 24, 2023

Dashboard widgets got an overhaul! Not only is performance improved with faster live refresh rates, but there are also new chart types available. Plus, clearer help messages help you easily see what needs fixing in your widget settings. Give it a try!

  • Line charts are now available for all data, not just historical data.
Line Chart
  • New chart type: Calendar! Requires a snapshot "grouped by" a date column.
Calendar Chart
  • New chart type: Stacked Bar chart!
Stacked Bar Chart

New Features

  • There are 25 new report columns that are text descriptions of various "types" found in Power Pick models. These make report and snapshot data much easier to understand.
  • An endpoint for updating an untouched Order Line has been added. See it in the API reference to see what fields can be updated.
  • The timeout limit setting in a Data Push integration now has a maximum value of 90 seconds. Performance has been improved to reduce delay when waiting for API responses from external API connections.
  • The following fields are now included in the response from the GET /materials, PUT /material/id, and POST /material endpoints: currentQuantity, currentValue, expectedQuantity, netQuantity, pickQuantity, and putQuantity.
  • Passing invalid filter values in API calls no longer causes an error but instead ignores the filter. (E.g. passing "quantity"=sdfsdf or "materialId"=1 will be ignored.)


  • Through a loophole when creating users with the API, it was possible to make a user without a role, which would cause permissions issues. Now roles are always required.
  • Updating a material's material property with an API call now works successfully.
  • We fixed a crash in Power Pick connection tests if there was no connection found.
  • When saving a new Data Push mapping, the submit button will now reset instead of continuing to appear loading.
  • A crash when adding mappings to grouping mappings in Data Push has been fixed.


New Features

  • Adds new MSSQL connection type. In this connection, a new Database field is shown. This is the name of the MSSQL database.
  • Data Pull SQL Integrations now have the SQL query auto-generated using the Data Pull mappings.


  • New widgets weren't initially appearing when added to a Dashboard view until the view was refreshed. This has been fixed.
  • A few report column types were throwing errors, including material-base Dynamic Fields, but they have been adjusted.
  • Reports with lots of columns were having column positioning/ordering issues, which have been fixed.



  • Checks for Power Pick version 4.17+ for Access Point history information.


New Features

  • "Netsuite" has been added to the types of connections that can be set up in Connection settings.
  • Enabled type-to-search in fields like report theme and materials in the Order Builder app.
  • Status page shows info about the length of time the connection status charts show. Also, a message shows if a user's time zone has not been set.
  • We modified the "Status" column in the user panel to display "Active", "Pending", and "Application" and added a new column to show the "Type" of user.


  • The Light/Philips Hue connection form now allows new app credentials to be entered and saved successfully.
  • Some improvements were made to the UI of the Epicor app.
  • The setting in General Settings to set the URL path for links to ItemPath (for password reset links and such) went missing in a recent version, so we put it back.


New Features

  • Orders from a NetSuite restlet can now be pulled in and transformed into an order to be created through web services.
  • Data Push and Data Pull integration lists now show a Status column indicating if the integrations are set to "Active" or not.


  • Data Push transactions would be slow to send if their was an unexpected issue downstream. Not only have we improved the way Data Push queries transactactions and queues them up to export, we've also added a process that checks for transactions that may be stuck "in progress".
  • The list of Failed Attempts in Data Push integrations is displaying properly again.
  • The Order Builder app is no longer incorrectly determining the Web Services session as "not alive" when it is.
  • Logs lists are showing the correct number of results, rather than always 100 items.
  • Cycle Counts logs are now selectable and sorted properly by date.


New Features

  • A new "Transactions" tab has been added to the Explorer, so you can search for and select individual transactions from the history table. From this interface, you can update the export state of transactions, used especially for testing Data Push.
  • When a software upgrade is applied to ItemPath, logged-in users will see a notification that a new version has been detected and they should refresh ItemPath to see the changes.
  • You may have seen that if the connection to the ItemPath API is lost, a red banner appearssaying "Connection with ItemPath API Failed. Trying to Reconnect..." Now, if the connection is still disabled after 30 seconds, it will redirect to a page indicating next steps.
  • We've made improvements to our search bars throughout ItemPath.
  • When creating transaction records on slower systems, Power Pick can take some time to calculate the Total Quantity value (the total quantity of the material in all locations after the transaction is completed). We've added a check in Data Push to make sure the value is not null before exporting the transaction.