2.6.5 - Workflows on/off switch, new Explorer filters, and variance reporting with Epicor

November 16, 2021

More to Explore

The easiest way to look up anything in your system is with the Explorer tool. With this update, cost centers, locations, stations, and zones are included in the search function. Filter through any of these categories to see descriptions, rules, sizes, capacities, info fields, and much more.

Cycle 2 explorer sections

Workflows On/Off

Set up as many automated tasks as you like with Workflows. With the newly added on/off switch, you can easily toggle the ones you want activated and build processes for testing. The Workflow actions available to you will show only your connected apps.

Cycle 2 workflows switch

Variance Reporting with Epicor

For users of the Epicor integration, we've stepped up the capability to check for variances with Power Pick. The Mapping interface simplifies mapping field handles between systems.
Additionally, import/export for Epicor has been fixed, and when adding info in the connection settings, there is now a "test connection" button to make sure the input is correct.

Cycle 2 epicor mapping

New Features

- In order creation, add warehouse and pass locationId and locationName
- Allocation count is added to orders and order lines
- Workflows offer an on/off switch
- Cost centers, stations, zones, and locations are included in the Explorer
- Users are shown as active or deleted
- Advanced Epicor variance reporting is available
- Overall caching is added


- Fixed mobile menu from overlapping
- Fixed Order Processor auto-selecting materials
- Fixed orderId sort for work order lines and added asc/desc to locations
- ItemPath warnings show properly, i.e. if license is less than one month from expiry
- The number of licensed warehouses is now checked
- Order processing hooks correctly into PPG web services
- If parameters are missing, SQL doesn't load
- The Workflow actions list only shows compatible apps
- Power Pick models in the Explorer show type descriptions instead of numbers
- Fixed Epicor import/export and added a "test connection" button