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  2. How do I set up SSO?

How do I set up SSO?

Authentication with Azure MSAL SSO

In order to use Single-Sign-On to log in to the ItemPath API, some configuration is required. Below are the steps to set up Azure MSAL SSO for ItemPath.

1. In your Microsoft Azure Directory, register a new application.

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2. Under Manage, select Authentication > Add a platform.

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3. Under Web applications, select the Single-page application tile.

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4. Under Redirect URIs, enter a redirect URI. This value should be https://[your ItemPath subdomain or IP].com/login.

5. Check both "Access Tokens" and "ID Tokens" checkboxes under "Implicit grant and hybrid flows."

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6. Toggle Allow public client flows to "Yes"

7. Select "Configure" to finish adding the redirect URI.

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8. Under Manage, select API permissions.

9. Add 3 Delegated Microsoft Graph Permissions: email, openid, profile.

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10. In the Application Overview, save the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID as ItemPath support will require this in the installation process.

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