- What happens when a deviated quantity is recorded?
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What happens when a deviated quantity is recorded?
There are several order processing scenarios that can cause a deviated quantity.
For Pick and Put orders, the deviated quantity value will be positive if the confirmed quantity is lower than the requested quantity, and negative if the confirmed quantity is higher than the requested quantity.
For Count orders, Manual Corrections, and Context Corrections, the deviated quantity will be negative if the stock is being adjusted to a lower value than what was previously recorded, and positive if the quantity is increased.
Here are some examples:
1. Partial Pick or Put
The user processed the order in more than one consecutive action, creating multiple transactions. If the full amount is processed, the final transaction will have a deviated quantity of 0, but earlier transactions may show a positive deviated quantity.
(Using Data Push to consolidate all transactions for an order line means only the final deviated quantity value will be sent.)
2. Pick or Put in Excess
The user confirmed a higher amount than was expected, either putting away or picking. The resulting deviated quantity will have a negative value.
Note: A configurable setting in Power Pick can allow or restrict this.
3. Incomplete Pick or Put
The user couldn't process the requested amount because of one of the following motives (reasons):
- Motive 1 = Stock Unavailable
- Motive 2 = Shortage
- Motive 3 = Space Unavailable
- Motive 4 = Space Full
The resulting deviated quantity will have a positive value.
If a "Shortage on Pick" is recorded, there will be two transactions:
1. The Pick (transaction type 2 or 4) will be recorded with a positive deviated quantity of the difference between what was requested and what was confirmed.
2. A Context Correction (transaction type 10) will be recorded to adjust the location (bin) quantity, with a negative deviated quantity of the difference between what was expected and what was confirmed.
Shortage on Pick Example:
The user goes to pick 5 valves for Order 123.
Power Pick expects the bin to contain 8 valves, but the user sees only 3.
The user picks the 3 valves and confirms a shortage.
Pick transaction (some fields removed for brevity):
"transaction": {
"binName": "BIN-04x08x04",
"creationDate": "2024-04-30T20:11:36.997000",
"directionType": 2,
"exportStateType": 2,
"id": "BD51A847-8A75-4998-85FB-15DB922ADB9C",
"locationName": "VLM-01-006/01-02/04",
"materialName": "Valve",
"motiveType": 2,
"number": 1,
"orderId": "C087C58D-B957-44B3-9B5A-BDE627A566E7",
"orderLineId": "B1785FD3-A7E3-4F5B-B87B-110C6DE813D2",
"orderName": "Order 123",
"quantityConfirmed": 3.0,
"quantityDeviated": 5.0,
"quantityRequested": 8.0,
"quantityTotal": 0.0,
"storageUnitName": "VLM-01",
"type": 4,
"userName": "Admin",
"warehouseName": "Warehouse"
Context Correction transaction (some fields removed for brevity):
"transaction": {
"binName": "BIN-04x08x04",
"creationDate": "2024-04-30T20:11:37.377000",
"directionType": null,
"exportStateType": 2,
"id": "5DA1D4B5-9212-4375-B43B-3FB89B90FE22",
"locationName": "VLM-01-006/01-02/04",
"materialName": "Valve",
"motiveType": 0,
"number": null,
"orderId": null,
"orderLineId": null,
"orderName": null,
"quantityConfirmed": 0.0,
"quantityDeviated": -5.0,
"quantityRequested": 5.0,
"quantityTotal": 0.0,
"storageUnitName": "VLM-01",
"taskNumber": null,
"type": 10,
"userName": "Admin",
"warehouseName": "Warehouse"
4. Count Discrepancy
The user counted the contents of a location and recorded a different value than expected. The Count (transaction type 6) will be recorded with a deviated quantity of the difference between what was requested (expected) and what was confirmed, either positive if more or negative if less, in order to adjust the location (bin) quantity.
Count Discrepancy Example:
The user goes to count the valves in VLM-01-006/01-02/04 for Count Order 456.
Power Pick expects the bin to contain 8 valves, but the user sees only 3.
The user counts the 3 valves and confirms the new total.
Count transaction (some fields removed for brevity):
"transaction": {
"binName": "BIN-04x08x04",
"creationDate": "2024-04-30T20:39:57.820000",
"directionType": 5,
"exportStateType": 2,
"id": "24626671-6357-4A0B-83C5-44B94E34D814",
"locationName": "VLM-01-006/01-02/04",
"materialName": "Valve",
"motiveType": 0,
"number": 1,
"orderId": "B82A06ED-1697-4CDB-B54B-A4AE8C27E701",
"orderLineId": "ADA7335F-C68C-46D7-9C4E-04EC096CD1B1",
"orderName": "Count Order 456",
"quantityConfirmed": 3.0,
"quantityDeviated": -5.0,
"quantityRequested": 8.0,
"quantityTotal": 0.0,
"storageUnitName": "VLM-01",
"type": 6,
"userName": "Admin",
"warehouseName": "Warehouse"
Because a change in inventory has financial implications, you may want to have a supervisor review deviated quantities. Here are a couple of ways ItemPath can help you look into missing stock:
1. Do a Count when a shortage is recorded.
Use the Order Builder to automatically generate a Count order to confirm the quantity of a material that has gone missing.
2. Send Count confirmations with Data Push.
Set up a Data Push integration to export all Count transactions to an API endpoint for review.
3. Email regular Reports of deviated quantites.
Have a Workflow send a file of all transactions with deviated quantities on a weekly basis.
To learn more about ItemPath and see it in action, please book a demo with our sales team. In the meantime, here are some of our popular articles and key topics.
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