- Why am I getting an error from Web Services saying "User must be logged in to use order management!"?
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Why am I getting an error from Web Services saying "User must be logged in to use order management!"?
ItemPath is returning this error:"message": "User must be logged in to use order management!'.
"source": "PowerPick Web Services"
Restart the Power Pick Cross Enterprise Unit Service.
The Power Pick Cross Enterprise Unit Service should be restarted from the list of Windows Services.
Alternatively, you can use a command to stop and start the Power Pick Cross Enterprise Unit Service.
Batch file to stop service (filename.bat):
net stop PowerPick.CrossEnterpriseUnit
Batch file to start service (filename.bat):
net start PowerPick.CrossEnterpriseUnit
If you're having issues with the service stopping, you can use CMD file to kill task (filename.cmd):
taskkill /IM "GP.CrossEnterpriseUnit.exe" /F
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