- How do I make and restore a backup of ItemPath?
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How do I make and restore a backup of ItemPath?
Backups can be done manually with the following commands:
Database backup:
cp ~/ItemPath/data/appdata.db ~/ItemPath/data/backups/appdata-backup-06-2024.db
Docker-compose.yml backup (replacing MM-YY with the current date):
cp docker-compose.yml ItemPath/data/backups/docker-compose-06-24.yml
To restore the files in case of a failed upgrade, simply 'cp' the files in the opposite direction. Be careful when doing this! You don't want to overwrite anything by mistake.
For ItemPath support: The update script makes a backup of the ItemPath database and docker-compose.yml file.
To learn more about ItemPath and see it in action, please book a demo with our sales team. In the meantime, here are some of our popular articles and key topics.
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