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  2. How long does my token last?

How long does my token last?

Access Tokens & Refresh Tokens

When you log in using a regular ItemPath user, you receive two tokens.

  1. Access token: This token is used to authenticate your requests to the ItemPath API. It expires after 15 minutes.
  2. Refresh token: This token is used to generate a new access token. It expires after 30 days.

The expiry date/time of each of these tokens is returned in the response when you log in. View the API reference to see an example response.

These expiry times are not currently configurable in the ItemPath UI. If you need to change them, please contact support@itempath.com.

Application Tokens

Users with the "Application" user type can generate an application token that does not expire. Due to the security implications of this, this should be used with consideration. Read more about application tokens in this article.