- How can I add a product to my ItemPath license?
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How can I add a product to my ItemPath license?
ItemPath licenses renew annually, but at any time, you can add new apps, Service Level Agreements, training time, etc.
To add a product to your license, reach out to ItemPath's sales team at sales@itempath.com. We'll be able to provide you with a quote for the product you're looking to add, or connect your ItemPath reseller to pass along.
We typically bill you for the remainder of your license term, so you don't have to worry about paying for a full year of a product you're adding mid-term. That way, all of your products will renew at the same time.
Once you've issued a Purchase Order, we'll update your license immediately so you can start using the new product right away. You'll receive confirmation of the update via email.
If you have a test environment, our team will connect with you about testing new software add-ons before they're added to your live site, if applicable.