1. Support arrow-right
  2. How much disk space is ItemPath using?

How much disk space is ItemPath using?


du -h ~/ItemPath

This command shows the disk usage of the ItemPath folder where all data and backups is stored. It shows the folder size, including subfolders, so there is some duplication here. For total size, see the size of the ~/ItemPath folder.

4.0K	/home/itempath/ItemPath/files/tmp
39M	    /home/itempath/ItemPath/files
531M	/home/itempath/ItemPath/data/backups
593M	/home/itempath/ItemPath/data
631M	/home/itempath/ItemPath


docker system df

This command will generate a report to show Docker space usage. Example:

TYPE                TOTAL               ACTIVE              SIZE                RECLAIMABLE
Images              4                   4                   538.9MB             29.01MB (5%)
Containers          7                   6                   38.01MB             1.174MB (3%)
Local Volumes       0                   0                   0B                  0B
Build Cache         0                   0                   0B                  0B

To clean up unused images, run docker image prune.

To get all reclaimable space, run docker system prune. This will remove all unused images, containers, volumes, and networks. KEEP IN MIND that ItemPath should be running when you do this, as it will remove the ItemPath container otherwise.


sudo du -h $(docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' $(docker ps -qa))

12M	/var/lib/docker/containers/222e5685c4cea9b875777f72e68496bf51ad477facb6caf491135b522a679b46/222e5685c4cea9b875777f72e68496bf51ad477facb6caf491135b522a679b46-json.log
204K	/var/lib/docker/containers/99ad7d32169da935e627d43d9ac2d4427fb76f4c85b40b6b87719b51b6c8aa89/99ad7d32169da935e627d43d9ac2d4427fb76f4c85b40b6b87719b51b6c8aa89-json.log
45M	/var/lib/docker/containers/7248ac9b80b21d256bf39aa298a60a86d4632f998c256aba6c4b7ed25079e5e1/7248ac9b80b21d256bf39aa298a60a86d4632f998c256aba6c4b7ed25079e5e1-json.log
4.0K	/var/lib/docker/containers/4dbb83da15b335a8f72f634b3e3d1ec24ca7f657f62b7dcf023a720c2438ad70/4dbb83da15b335a8f72f634b3e3d1ec24ca7f657f62b7dcf023a720c2438ad70-json.log
4.0K	/var/lib/docker/containers/5c63503264dc366e510b7abe078005a5f203a2fb469a2df7d8db232898d1dccc/5c63503264dc366e510b7abe078005a5f203a2fb469a2df7d8db232898d1dccc-json.log
8.3M	/var/lib/docker/containers/0f114dfc9f4d17dfd7bc58a2c62223e6e3e27e859061735b17bbed51b9936934/0f114dfc9f4d17dfd7bc58a2c62223e6e3e27e859061735b17bbed51b9936934-json.log
3.6M	/var/lib/docker/containers/89620f395cfec8f9abfda8f500624ba9b6632147db023f516b9f129f126a0afe/89620f395cfec8f9abfda8f500624ba9b6632147db023f516b9f129f126a0afe-json.log

Also a good way to prevent logs from taking all your space is to add this to your docker-compose.yml:

  driver: "json-file"
      max-size: "100m"
      max-file: "5"


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