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What authentication does the ItemPath API use?
The ItemPath API uses token-based authentication in order to validate user access. This is OAuth 2 standard. In order to make requests through the API, you must include an access ...
How many orders or materials can I create at one time?
The ItemPath API does not currently support batch creation of orders or materials. You can create one order or material at a time using the Create Order or Create Material ...
How long does my token last?
When you log in using a regular ItemPath user, you receive two tokens. Access token: This token is used to authenticate your requests to the ItemPath API. It expires after 15 ...
How do I log in to the API?
Before being able to access endpoints in the API, you'll need to have a username and password. The default user and password is available during the install process. Otherwise, you'll ...
How can I filter my GET calls?
There are many parameters you can use to filter your GET calls to the ItemPath API. This guide will show you how to use operators and format your calls to ...
Account & Licensing
Why does an On-Premise license cost more than Cloud?
Each company's needs are different, but in most cases, we recommend purchasing ItemPath Cloud. It's a straightforward, consistent setup process, and we take care of all the hosting and maintenance ...