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Power Pick Connections
Connecting to Power Pick
ItemPath connects to Power Pick in two ways: with the rule engine, and directly to the MSSQL server. Pictured at the end of this article is the technical overview of ...
Power Pick Connections
How do I set up the Power Pick SQL server to accept remote connections via IP?
Setting up the SQL server to accept remote connections via IP is a requirement for ItemPath to connect to Power Pick.This is something your network team will need to set ...
Data Push & Data Pull
Why are transactions failing to send?
If transactions are failing to export, it is likely due to an error with the connection to your ERP software. View the Logs tab of the Data Push integration to see ...
How do I use Cycle Counts with a workflow?
If you have the Cycle Counts app from ItemPath, you can use a workflow to automatically create count orders based on the "Count Cycle" property of a material. You will first ...
How many actions can I have in a workflow?
The amount of actions you can have in a workflow is unlimited, but the more actions you have, the longer it will take for the workflow to complete. Keep this ...
How do I use a workflow to automatically resend failed attempts in Data Push?
You can set up a workflow to resend failed attempts in Data Push by adding the Data Push action. This action only works with a History-themed report, and will resend the ...