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  3. Installation Overview
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  5. Cloud Requirements

Cloud Requirements

To connect ItemPath to Power Pick, you’ll need a few things:

  1. Power Pick SQL Server username, password, database name, dedicated IP address, and port number (if changed from the default port 1433). The dedicated IP address should be a public IP accessible outside of internal networks, as ItemPath runs in the cloud. The user should be a database owner. Note: The Power Pick server must be set to SQL and Windows Authentication mode, as ItemPath does not currently support Windows Authentication.
  2. Your Power Pick SQL Server will need to be able to accept remote connections via IP. For more details on how to set this up, visit the SQL server documentation.
  3. If you are planning to use ItemPath to create or process orders, you will need a dedicated IP and port number (usually 1353) for your machine running the Power Pick rule engine. The dedicated IP address should be a public IP accessible outside of internal networks, as ItemPath runs in the cloud.

While you gather these items, we'll launch your hosted version of ItemPath and pass you login details and an IP address that you can add to your firewall.

Note: If you’d like to create a firewall to limit access to your SQL server or IP, you’ll want to whitelist ItemPath’s IP address, which will be sent to you in your welcome email.

Web Services Module

The Power Pick Web Services module is required when the scope of ItemPath includes creating, allocating, and processing orders. Order this from your Kardex dealer.

In Power Pick, you will need to set up the following (your Power Pick integrator can help you with this):

  1. The Power Pick CEU Web Services module. This is required if ItemPath will be creating orders (e.g., through the API or with the Order Builder app)
    1. To see if you have the CEU Web Client Module in Power Pick, look in Help / License Options for GP.54 CEU Web Services integration.
  2.  Web Client station. Add a station as a Web client type. Provide us with the Station Name.
  3. Power Pick user. Ideally with Admin-level command rights. Add a user and let us know the username and password.