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Using ItemPath
Custom FieldsCycle CountsData PullData PushDisplaysLights (Philips Hue)Order BuilderOrder ProcessorVariance
This glossary provides definitions for terms related to ItemPath. Where applicable, we will try to provide context for terms in brackets after an entry.
Access point
An access point is an opening of a storage unit where a user can get access to materials and bins.
Action (Workflows)
An action is an event that is triggered by meeting the criteria specified in an ItemPath workflow.
App (ItemPath)
In ItemPath, apps are additional modules that extend ItemPath's core functionality. This includes connections to other systems, importing or exporting data, or optional functionality available as add-ons.
Application Programming Interface (API)
An application programming interface is a way for two or more computer programs or components to communicate with each other.
API call
An individual request sent to an API. In a REST API, these can be requests to retrieve, create, or delete data.
A batch (also called a lot) is a group of work order lines that are associated with each other, either for easy picking or for historical records.
A bin is a specific-sized storage compartment. Bins are stored in locations on shelves.
A carrier is a vertical section in a shelf or carousel.
A service is cloud-hosted if it is installed on servers that are remotely operated and can be accessed from multiple devices. ItemPath offers cloud-hosted instances as part of our installation options. Cloud-hosted services differ from on-premises installs of ItemPath where the software is operated from a server owned and operated by your company.
A Docker container is an isolated environment built to minimize interference with other systems.
Cost center
A cost center is a business unit or department that is responsible for events that result in increased costs. A Power Pick module exists that can be integrated with ItemPath for identifying and tracking cost centers.
Count Order
A count order is a type of work order to conduct a count of a given material.
Custom Fields (App)
An app used to integrate dynamic fields from Power Pick with ItemPath.
Cycle count
A cycle count is an inventory check conducted on a regular basis for parts of an inventory as a whole.
Cycle Counts (App)
An application that allows the creation of count orders via ItemPath workflows.
A dashboard is a collection of report snapshots to group data, allowing you to review a collection of time based information through widgets.
Data Pull (App)
An app developed by ItemPath to allow you to request data from other services.
Data Push (App)
An app developed by ItemPath to allow ItemPath to send data to other services.
Developer Assistance
Developer Assistance is a service offered by ItemPath where experienced staff offer hands on assistance to your developers. Eligible topics include help with data mapping, custom development/programming, hands on API help, and authentication, security, and connection troubleshooting.
A display shows key information about orders, storage units, stock, picks or puts, and more on a connected screen.
Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers (isolated environments that prevent interference between .
Dynamic field
Dynamic fields are fields created in Power Pick (and require Power Pick's Database Configurator module). These are fields whose value is controlled by another field in the database.
Explorer is a tab within ItemPath that allows you to explore your data. It provides a graphical representation of trays, locations and bins, and allows you to interact with various tabular representations of data.
GraphQL is a query language that can be used for API requests. An API using GraphQL allows you to specify a query in the body of your API request, while REST APIs exchange data using HTTP verbs (such as PUT, GET).
A kit is a bundle or group of materials. A kit consists of kit lines, and can be ordered to pick groups of materials.
Kit Line
A kit line contains one type of material or another kit within a kit, similar to the relationship between an order line and an order.
A license is an agreement that provides permission to use software. ItemPath licenses must be renewed annually.
Lights (App)
Lights is an app in ItemPath to connect with Philips Hue light systems, in order to change lighting in response to triggers. See also Philips Hue.
A location is a bin position on a shelf or tray
A log is a time-stamped record of events in a system. For example, logs of requests between ItemPath and other systems can be reviewed within the Connections tab of ItemPath.
A mapping is a pairing of fields from one system to another.
A material is a type of item or part to be stored and picked.
Material Family
A material family is a related group of materials.
Material Property
A Material Property is one or more attributes that should be recorded when carrying out a transaction involving the material. Think of these like rules for how materials should be stored, picked, or put.
Middleware is software that bridges the gap between two or more pieces of software, allowing them to communicate often through APIs.
On-premises (On-prem)
Software is said to be on-premises or "on-prem" if is run on computers on the premises of the person or organization using the software. If you run an on-prem version of ItemPath there are detailed instructions for updating the software.
An order is a request to pick or put items from the VLM.
Order Builder (App)
Order Builder is an interface that allows you to create orders using ItemPath report data.
Order Line
An order line is an individual items that are part of an order, these include information such as materials, quantity etc.
Order Processor (App)
Order Processor is an app that processes orders (update or complete) using an ItemPath interface.
Parameter Value
Parameter Values are system configuration settings stored in Power Pick's database, viewable in ItemPath's Explorer.
A peripheral is a piece of external hardware connected to and controlled by Power Pick.
Permissions are assigned to users and govern what data users can view or change.
Philips Hue (App)
The Lights app integrates with Philips Hue (a system of smart lighting), in order to change lighting in response to triggers. In some versions of ItemPath, this is the name that will appear on the apps page.
A pick occurs when a material is removed from a bin, and is recorded as a Transaction.
Postman is digital platform for building, using, and managing APIs. ItemPath has a Postman collection available for developers building integrations with ItemPath.
A put occurs when a material is added to a bin.
A report is a structured presentation of information from ItemPath or Power Pick. It can include a graph or visualization, and snapshots of data can be used to group and divide information by time period.
Representation State Transfer (REST)
REST is a common architecture or design for application programming interfaces. "RESTful" can be used as an adjective to describe software that meets or is designed to work with this architecture.
A reseller is a certified third-party that is authorized to sell ItemPath.
A role is a group of permissions that can be assigned to multiple users to control access to specific areas of ItemPath.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
A service level agreement is a signed agreement between a service provider and a customer that details the services provided and standards that the service provider will meet.
A shelf is a level in a vertical section of a tray or carousel, e.g., there can be multiple shelves on a tray in a vertical lift module (VLM).
A snapshot is an instance of a report at a point in time, you can use these to group and slice data by time period. These are used in ItemPath's reporting features to build widgets for dashboards.
Statement of Work (SOW)
A statement of work signed agreement providing an outline of services, timeline, and cost of a project between parties.
A station is the device running Power Pick software, e.g. a PC, web client, or mobile client.
Storage Rule
A storage rule determines the locations where materials can or must be stored in Power Pick, based on factors such as quantity in a location or bin.
A report theme is the category of data used to provide information. You can report on various categories, such as Materials, Bins, Locations, or Carriers.
Training Assistance
Training Assistance is a service offered by ItemPath where experienced staff offer training for users and administrators for ItemPath. Eligible topics include: dashboards, reports, and chart setup; hands-on training meetings, simple automation and workflow help; and training for new features.
A transaction is a record of an individual interaction within Power Pick. An order is a request to complete one or more transactions.
A tray is a section of a storage unit held by a carrier. A tray can contain bins.
A trigger is a condition in a workflow. You can specify the frequency, conditions, and actions to follow from a trigger as part of the workflow.
A user is an individual account for accessing ItemPath or Power Pick.
Users (Tab)
The Users tab in ItemPath allows administrators to view and assign permissions to users.
A variance is a difference between inventory counts between two systems.
Variance (App)
The Variance app is an ItemPath app to compare inventory levels between Power Pick and other systems.
View (Dashboards)
A view is a collection of widgets arranged into a layout, these can be shared or private.
Vertical Buffer Module (VBM)
A vertical buffer module is an automated storage and retrieval system that differs from vertical lift modules (VLMs) by controlling access to a single bin.
Vertical Lift Module (VLM)
A vertical lift module (VLM) is a vertical automated storage and retrieval system. Multiple VLMs can be installed within a warehouse and managed using ItemPath.
A warehouse is an individual facility that utilizes Power Pick. This is usually a physical site location, but can be virtual.
A widget is a visual element of a dashboard, allow you to see current values or graphs over time in your dashboards.
A zone is a region within a location. These can be represented by colors, and have particular rules or strategies assigned to them for conducting picks or puts.