1. Support arrow-right
  2. Connecting to Power Pick

Connecting to Power Pick

ItemPath connects to Power Pick in two ways: with the rule engine, and directly to the MSSQL server. Pictured at the end of this article is the technical overview of these connections and ports. In order to set up these connections, here is what you'll need:

Power Pick MSSQL Connection

Once you have these items, you can add those details in ItemPath's Settings, in the "Kardex" tab, under "Power Pick MSSQL".

Kardex power pick mssql connection

Click the "Test Connection" button to check if the connection details were successful. If testing the connection fails, visit the Logs to see the full error message. You can filter to only show the results of tests with the "Only Manual Tests" toggle.

MSSQL Connection Errors: Guides & Tips

  • - "Login timeout"
  • - "Login failed for user [username]" — check username and password

Power Pick Web Services Connection

The Power Pick Web Services module is only required when the scope of ItemPath includes creating, allocating, and processing orders. This module is ordered from your Kardex dealer.

  • 1. Dedicated IP and port number (if changed from the default port 1353) for your machine running the Power Pick Cross Enterprise Unit service
    • For ItemPath hosted in the cloud, the dedicated IP address should be a public IP accessible outside of internal networks.
      Note: If you’d like to create a firewall to limit access to your SQL server or IP, you’ll want to whitelist ItemPath’s IP address.
  • 2. Web Client station in Power Pick with logical bindings (setup detailed here)
  • 3. Power Pick user (ideally with Admin-level command rights) username and password

These details will also be entered in ItemPath's Settings, in the "Kardex" tab, under "Power Pick Web Services".

Kardex power pick web services connection 2

Click the "Test Connection" button to check if the connection details were successful. If testing the connection fails, visit the Logs to see the full error message.

Web Services Connection Errors: Guides & Tips

Click here for how to check if the Web Services endpoint is reachable.

Settings & Logs

Settings and logs can be accessed in the footer of ItemPath.

Itempath settings and logs

Technical Overview

Pictured here is the architecture of the various connections and ports used by ItemPath.

Item Path Cloud Technical Firewall Diagram